Board of Education

Our school board members are entrusted with the important work of shaping the education of our youngest citizens. They dedicate countless hours to creating the mission, vision and goals that drive our schools.

They are dedicated to creating a school culture where collaboration and continuous learning are valued and displayed throughout our system.

The seven members of the Tri County Area Schools Board of Education do this by always keeping children as the center of their work and decision making.

Board Members

Jennifer Arnold
Trustee, Term Expires: 2024
Chad Bice
Trustee, Term Expires: 2026
Brian Campbell
Treasurer, Term Expires 2028
Jill Fennessy
President, Term Expires: 2026
Jessica Helfmann
Trustee, Term Expires: 2024
Janet Powell
Vice President, Term Expires 2024
MaDonna Princer
Secretary, Term Expires: 2024

Board meetings are held for the purpose of conducting the business of the district and are not public meetings, but meetings held in public. All regular and special meetings of the board shall be open to the public.

The board desires to hear the viewpoints of citizens, students, and employee organizations and shall schedule times at all meetings for them to be heard.

When addressing the board during Public Comment, state your name and address at the start of your comment. Please limit your comments to three minutes.
Audience time is not intended as a forum for public debate. Questions raised may require further investigation. Normally, the board will wait until its next meeting before responding to concerns raised.

Residents of the community are encouraged to communicate with Tri County Area Schools educators and school board members.

School-related problems can usually best be solved by talking with the employee closest to the problem, i.e. teachers, support staff, principal. It is there that most problems can be quickly and productively resolved. 

If questions still remain, please contact the Superintendent. And, if you're convinced that further action is required, your next step is to submit it to the Board of Education. You may address the Board at a board meeting during the Public Comment portion of the agenda or in writing to the Board of Education, 94 Cherry Street, PO Box 79, Sand Lake, MI  49343.

Board Briefs

August Issue by Jill Fennessy, Board President

Dear Tri County Community,

Welcome back! We are thrilled to kick off the 2024-2025 school year at Tri County and hope you’ve all had a chance to relax and enjoy your summer. 

Our school community has been bustling with activity over the break. From enriching summer learning opportunities to the efforts of our food service staff providing kids with meals, it’s been a productive summer. TC’s awesome staff have been hard at work preparing classrooms, maintaining buildings and grounds, updating technology, and taking care of countless details to ensure a smooth start to the school year. Meanwhile, our student athletes have attended practices and conditioning to prepare for the upcoming sports seasons, while our talented band members have been busy perfecting their craft for another year of fantastic performances. 
 This fall, the Board of Education is excited to resume our “Conversations with Community” initiative at all home varsity football games (weather permitting). We launched this effort in 2019 to enhance our accessibility and strengthen our connection with the community. At these games, you’ll find a ‘board table’ where we’ll have useful information and copies of the new school calendar available. We encourage you to stop by, say “Hi,” and share your thoughts with us. Whether you have questions or just want to chat, we’re here and eager to engage with you. Your feedback and interaction are invaluable as we work together to support our students and schools.

I hope each and every one of you can find time to enjoy the rest of this beautiful Michigan summer. We can’t wait to welcome your children back to school! 



Jill Fennessy, President
 Board of Education
 Tri County Area Schools

Board Meetings

BOE Regular Meetings

Location: TCAS Educational Service Center
Meeting time:  6:00 PM

Meetings are are held in-person on the 2nd Monday of each month. Meetings are held in the board room at the Educational Service Center, located at 94 Cherry Street, Sand Lake, MI

2024-2025 List of Regular Meetings


(Linked through Munetrix Transparency Site)


(Provided through Neola)